School Jackass

Welcome To The FAQ Section

This Page Will Hopefully Help You to Understand How To Use Xat  And Other Fetures On This Site.

Xat Help

Title. is A Free Chat Making Site Anyone In the world can accsess the chats you can pick from just a widget chat or a whole chat group the whole diffrence is that a group allowes more than one main owner and a password recovery and a site to it and tabs at the bottom of the chat on the site you get with your chat.


Question: How To Type.

Type By Entering Text into the box shown in the immage

Question: How Do I Get More Smileys?

All Smileys Are On the 2nd to Top Tab on the side [only on]

Question: How To I Personal Chat [pc] / Personal Message [pm]

you Click On a Users Name [Right Side Box] Then Click One Of The Top Boxes

Question: How To I Personal Chat [pc] / Personal Message [pm] [PART 2]

Here you Can See the Pm's and pc's and What to click


Question: How To I Personal Chat [pc] / Personal Message [pm] [PART 3]

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